I welcome e-mails from anyone desiring information that I can find in my collection of old callbooks. To this end, I have made it possible to e-mail me through the form below. However, the explosion in spam on the Internet has led me to take a few actions to avoid wasting my time with junk. So, this page provides you with some specific suggestions on contacting me.

I do not use automated filters or any kind of Turing (Capthcha) test. I do not use either white lists or black lists. But I do make rapid decisions on whether to open an e-mail based on the name of the sender and the title of the message. Since I (probably) do not know you, and will not recognize your email address, my basis for decision will be the subject you assign for your email. So PLEASE DO NOT USE titles / subjects that are similar to a spam message (such as: "Hi," "I need a favor," "Help me," etcetera).

Instead, use something specific as the subject. Things that should work are a callsign or something with the words "callbook" or "callsign" in it (like "Old Callbook Lookup" or "Callsign Research Request"). The most convenient title for me would be both the callsign you need help with (if you know it) and the nature of the request, e.g., "W3ABC: Callbook Copy Request" if you want a copy of a W3ABC listing, or "W3YZ: Callsign Research Request" if you want information on W3YZ in an old callbook. (This means replace W3ABC or W3YZ with the callsign you are asking about.) I know this sounds pretty formal and business-like, but this procedure and the use of the form below makes it easier for me to sort and find your message in the incoming flood of spam that I receive.

Also, please note that I do not respond to requests that force me to "register" with you or your e-mail provider, or submit to a Turing test (or or some other equivalent "challenge" system), or anything similar. I post this e-mail form publicly so you can contact me, and I do not subject anyone to such a registration treatment. I receive enough requests that I simply cannot spend the time registering with everyone that requests callbook assistance. If you are going to send me a question, it is your responsibility to ensure that my response will get back to you, as I will not try a second time. Also, please note that I use my arrl.net address as an alias when replying to requests, and it will often (but not always) show up as the "reply to" address, but not the actual sending address when I respond to your request.

Finally, if I have not responded to your request in a reasonable period of time, feel free to e-mail me again. Perhaps your email was lost, or maybe I deleted it (accidentally or deliberately). You might try changing the subject, just in case I misinterpreted your intent.


Steve W3HF.